NUTTY CLUB: Where Nuts and Candies hang out, "famous for quality"
a fantastic photo of Nutty Club HQ by Winnipeg artist photographer Bryan Scott

So I've been into Nutty Club and its jazzy packaging for years now. Nutty Club is stuck in a bygone era, one that makes me want to continue to buy their Sprinkles, Trimettes and ju-jube Midget Mix. A look and feel that makes me continue to search for their products in mini towns in Canada and British Columbia, and seek their products on grocery store shelves. Nutty Club has never changed their wonderful branding. Candy-stripes, designed-in-the-1950s font, a Candy Man with a "Hello my darlin' Hello my baby" vibe. Wonderful, just wonderful! If they ever re-brand I may as well hang up my baking apron.