Welcome to another episode of COOKIE PROBLEMS! I have a cookie problem and it grows and grows. Thankfully I've been ripping it at the gym across the street from my house lately so I've been whittling away at the old post-partum baby weight. No biggie though!!! Eating delicious cookies is much more important, right? :)
I was sent some very peculiar-sounding but not really peculiar at all sugar a few months back - organic coconut sugar! I wasn't sure if it would be super coconutty tasting, but as I opened the package this beautiful caramel aroma wafted out, and it smelled almost like ginger snaps. I couldn't wait to try it. You use it cup for cup to replace regular sugar - so there's no muss and no fuss!
But you want to know how it tasted, right?
I whipped up some milk chocolate chip and Skor bits spelt flour cookies to try out the coconut sugar... and WOH!!! The cookies were frigging delicious. I didn't notice any coconut flavour at all, simply a rich molasses-y flavour, similar to brown sugar. I think I'll definitely try baking with coconut sugar again, but it's definitely on the more expensive side, so if you're on a budget, you can try it occasionally.

Makes 2 dozen cookies. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
1 cup of unsalted butter at room temperature
1 cup of organic coconut sugar (I used Organika brand)
1 egg (I used an organic brown egg if you were wondering... :)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups spelt flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup of milk chocolate chips
1 cup of Skor bits (or toffee baking bits)
Make it!
1. Using a stand mixer or beaters, cream the butter and sugar on high.
2. With the mixer on low, scrape down the bowl with a spatula and add the egg and vanilla extract.
3. Stir to combine the spelt flour, baking powder and sea salt.
4. With the mixer on low, slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix until combined and dough begins to form.
5. Throw in the chocolate chips and Skor bits and mix to combine.
6. Using a small ice cream scoop, scoop out 1 1/2 inch balls of dough onto parchment paper lined cookie sheet.
7. Bake for 12 minutes, turning pans halfway.
8. Set to cool on wire racks. Try to resist diving in face first into these delicious cookies!!!
Happy baking (and COOKIE CHOMPING everyone!)
Thanks to Organika for sending me some of their "sweet" organic coconut sugar to try out!