Dankuvel! My hubby and I just returned from a bonkers trip to Amsterdam and Berlin, where we visited some awesome friends, and awesome cousins for a real trip to remember. Food mania! The main tourist area of Amsterdam is what I christened to be the "munchie capital of the world"... all the junk food you could ever want packed into one certain area full of tourists, marijuana smoke, pigeons, ladies of the night (and day) and people whizzing by on bicycles or mopeds. Sprinkled donuts, chocolate dipped waffle, ice cream, fries, vending machine hamburgers-- this area had it all! We had a wonderful time hanging out and staying with the host and hostess with the most and mostess-- Rich's cousin Bryan and his fine lady and fiancee Danielle. We had tons of fun and tried to eat lots, of course-- so here is a rundown of some of the things we saw, experienced or ate...

I just love this packaging! Bright red, and look at those delightful little cubes and mini forkettes!

Pink fondant iced party cakes! Dutch boob implants!

Meal of champions at the airport: icy Heineken and wiener time for me! It was a decent dog.

Please note the coin in the picture for size reference: that is ONE LARGE DUTCH NUTCAKE!

World Of Plonkers always has something cookin' eh? What next?? Only in Amsterdam?

Beautiful Vondelpark, where Rich and I spent an afternoon dozing and taking pictures of each other riding bicycles!

Pretty much some of the top fries I've eaten. Recommended by our wonderful cousins in Amsterdam, this tiny shop "Vleminckx" sounds like a an old troll huffing cough medicine then horking on the side of the road, who knew it would such deliciously delightful, freshly cut, crunchy soft and salty fries with amazing sauces, such as green peppercorn (my fave, I had it twice!) and peanut satay sauce?? Thanks Danielle for the sauce recommendation!!

My hubster with our two "mittel" sized cones. Screw the "kleine" size, we're going big!

Sauce on fries. Wonderful stuff.

This stuff was love at first bite. Speculoos! Peanut butter with an extra twist-- cinammony sugary goodness! Cousin-in-law Bryan gave me two jars to take home, and my heart BROKE when they were taken away from me at airport security!!! They were in my holiday gifts carry-on bag, and apparently peanut butter is a VERY DANGEROUS GEL. Wahhhh! I am still bummed!!!

The bestest hosts, cousin-in-law Bryan and soon to be cousin-in-law Danielle!

Cool cousin Bryan brought home a rather stellar Dutch apple pie!

Delicious! Served with berry frozen yogurt too.

Sniff sniff-- smelling the roses. Amsterdam is truly pretty, just like these flowers!
FEBO: Hot cheese party sticks! From a vending machine even!

Yes, we had to try it. Hot shwarma burger inside a little Bladerunner-esque warming oven/vending machine? Why not!

Counting coinage... "do I have enough for a cheese patty burger?"

"Why yes, I did have just enough! Come on out, you little rascal!"

Deep fried cheese in a patty format, soft bun, bits of shredded iceberg lettuce... definitely worth 1 euro 50!!!
Yay Amsterdam... we hope to visit you again soon... next up, Taste of Berlin... !!!
xo Lyndsay